solar srtreet light project in Lebanon


Project Name: street lighting projects in Lebanon

Model: SAR-S60

Product name:60w Soaring Integrated solar street light

Product Spec:60W LED light / 12.8v 42ah Lithium battery / 10A controller / 90w Solar panel / 8m pole

End-user: Government

Project Qty: 420 Sets

Location: Lebanon

On August 4, 2020, the largest non-nuclear explosion in history tore through Beirut, destroying homes, businesses, and entire neighborhoods in this beautiful city. The blast killed at least 218 people, injured 7,500, and left 300,000 homeless. An already shaky power grid sustained significant damage and the city into darkness after sunset.

Now the power is back where the electrical lines are working, but the country can no longer afford to purchase fuel and only provides around 2 hours of electricity per day.

Light for Lebanon is a partnership between Light Reach and Manale Kahale, an architectural lighting designer based in Beirut. This is a public welfare project that hopes to use solar lighting to help people who are trapped in the dark.

We participated in this project and donated 30 sets of integrated solar street lights. At the same time, the project leader also purchased an additional 390 sets of street lights from us. We hope that with our efforts, more land in Lebanon can be illuminated.

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